Tuesday, June 03, 2008




The 30 skills every IT person should

An IT manager's guide on how to be better
at what you do, no matter how experienced you are

By Richard Casselberry

June 02, 2008

On MSN the other day, I noticed an article
called "75 skills every man should master." It included some skills
I have and some I don't. For example, I can tie a knot and hammer a
nail, but frankly I can't recite a poem from memory, and bow ties
still confuse me.

It was an interesting read and made me
realize I could be more well-rounded than I am. To be honest, we
all could be.

So in the spirit of personal growth, I
developed a list of skills every IT person should have.

1. Be able to fix basic PC issues.
These can be how to map a printer, back up files, or add a network
card. You don't need to be an expert and understand how to
overclock a CPU or hack the registry, but if you work in IT, people
expect you to be able to do some things.

[ Ifyou have IT staffers who
aren't up to snuff, fire them.
Learn how to do it right.


2. Work the help desk. Everyone,
from the CIO to the senior architect, should be able to sit down at
the help desk and answer the phones. Not only will you gain a new
appreciation for the folks on the phones, but you will also teach
them more about your process and avoid escalations in the


3. Do public speaking. At least
once, you should present a topic to your peers. It can be as simple
as a five-minute tutorial on how IM works, but being able to
explain something and being comfortable enough to talk in front of
a crowd is a skill you need to have. If you are nervous, partner
with someone who is good at it, or do a roundtable. This way, if
you get flustered, someone is there to cover for you.


4. Train someone. The best way to
learn is to teach.


5. Listen more than you speak. I
very rarely say something I didn't already know, but I often hear
other people say things and think, "Darn, I wish I knew that last


6. Know basic networking. Whether
you are a network engineer, a help desk technician, a business
analyst, or a system administrator, you need to understand how
networks work and simple troubleshooting. You should understand DNS
and how to check it, as well as how to ping and trace-route


7. Know basic system administration.
Understand file permissions, access levels, and why machines talk
to the domain controllers. You don't need to be an expert, but
knowing the basics will avoid many headaches down the


8. Know how to take a network trace.
Everyone in IT should be able to fire up wireshark, netmon, snoop,
or some basic network capturing tool. You don't need to understand
everything in it, but you should be able to capture it to send to a
network engineer to examine.


9. Know the difference between latency
and bandwidth.
Latency is the amount of time to get a packet
back and forth; bandwidth is the maximum amount of data a link can
carry. They are related, but different. A link with high-bandwidth
utilization can cause latency to go higher, but if the link isn't
full, adding more bandwidth can't reduce latency.


10. Script. Everyone should be able
to throw a script together to get quick results. That doesn't mean
you're a programmer. Real programmers put in error messages, look
for abnormal behavior, and document. You don't need to do that, but
you should be able to put something together to remove lines, send
e-mail, or copy files.


11. Back up. Before you do anything,
for your own sake, back it up.


12. Test backups. If you haven't
tested restoring it, it isn't really there. Trust me.


13. Document. None of the rest of us
wants to have to figure out what you did. Write it down and put it
in a location everyone can find. Even if it's obvious what you did
or why you did it, write it down.


14. Read "The Cuckoo's Egg." I don't
get a cut from Cliff Stoll (the author), but this is probably the
best security book there is -- not because it is so technical, but
because it isn't.


15. Work all night on a team
No one likes to do this, but it's part of IT. Working
through a hell project that requires an all-nighter to resolve
stinks, but it builds very useful camaraderie by the time it is


16. Run cable. It looks easy, but it
isn't. Plus, you will understand why installing a new server
doesn't really take five minutes -- unless, of course, you just
plug in both ends and let the cable fall all over the place. Don't
do that -- do it right. Label all the cables (yes, both ends), and
dress them nice and neat. This will save time when there's a
problem because you'll be able to see what goes where.


17. You should know some energy rules of
For example: A device consuming 3.5kW of
electricity requires a ton of cooling to compensate for the heat.
And I really do mean a ton, not merely "a lot." Note that 3.5kW is
roughly what 15 to 20 fairly new 1U and 2U servers consume. One ton
of cooling requires three 10-inch-round ducts to handle the air; 30
tons of air requires a duct measuring 80 by 20 inches. Thirty tons
of air is a considerable amount.


18. Manage at least one project.
This way, the next time the project manager asks you for a status,
you'll understand why. Ideally, you will have already sent the
status report because you knew it would be asked for.


19. Understand operating costs versus
capital projects.
Operating costs are the costs to run the
business. Capital equipment is made of assets that can have their
cost spread over a time period -- say, 36 months. Operating costs
are sometimes better, sometimes worse. Know which one is better --
it can make a difference between a yes and no.


20. Learn the business processes.
Being able to spot improvements in the way the business is run is a
great technique for gaining points. You don't need to use fancy
tools; just asking a few questions and using common sense will
serve you well.


21. Don't be afraid to debate something
you know is wrong
. But also know when to stop arguing. It's a
fine line between having a good idea and being a pain in the


22. If you have to go to your boss with
a problem, make sure you have at least one solution.


23. There is no such thing as a dumb
question, so ask it ... once.
Then write down the answer so
that you don't have to ask it again. If you ask the same person the
same question more than twice, you're an idiot (in their


24. Even if it takes you twice as long
to figure something out on your own versus asking someone else,
take the time to do it yourself.
You'll remember it longer. If
it takes more than twice as long, ask.


25. Learn how to speak without using


26. IT managers: Listen
to your people.
They know more than you. If not, get rid of
them and hire smarter people. If you think you are the smartest
one, resign.


27. IT managers: If you
know the answer, ask the right questions for someone else to get
the solution; don't just give the answer.
This is hard when you
know what will bring the system back up quickly and everyone in the
company is waiting for it, but it will pay off in the long run.
After all, you won't always be available.


28. IT managers: The
first time someone does something wrong, it's not a mistake -- it's
a learning experience.
The next time, though, give them hell.
And remember: Every day is a chance for an employee
to learn something else. Make sure they learn something valuable
versus learning there's a better job out there.


29. IT managers: Always
give people more work than you think they can handle.
will say you are unrealistic, but everyone needs something to
complain about anyway, so make it easy. Plus, there's nothing worse
than looking at the clock at 2 p.m. and thinking, "I've got nothing
to do, but can't leave." This way, your employees won't have that


30. IT managers: Square
pegs go in square holes.
If someone works well in a team but
not so effectively on their own, keep them as part of a


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